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Dear Lynda… zine

Dear Lynda



The Dear Lynda… zine presents a collection, reflection and review of materials held in the International touring exhibition Dear Lynda… based on Lynda Morris’ research and archive over her career.


Detailed Description

The Dear Lynda… zine presents a collection, reflection and review of materials held in the International touring exhibition Dear Lynda… which Cooper Gallery hosted from 9 March - 5 April 2013. 

Lynda Morris is respected as ‘the artists’ curator’ and has given many artists their first exhibitions. In 1991 acting on a desire to break open the boundaries of a London-centred art scene, Morris established EASTinternational, an open submission exhibition in Norwich.

This A4 zine includes a conversational text by Lynda Morris, which guides us, like an inspiring novel, through her friendships with artists and her life in the art scene. Across 96 pages that include photographs and documentation, the zine catalogues Lynda Morris' personal journey, beginning with a chance encounter with the Rolling Stones in 1962, and leading to Marc Camille Chaimowicz's exhibition Jean Genet...The Courtesy of Objects, in 2012 at Norwich University College of the Arts, where Morris is Professor of Curation.


3rd Edition published by Cooper Gallery, DJCAD, Dundee

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