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Catalogue of Dundee's Oil Paintings

Dundee Cover Square



A complete catalogue of all oil paintings in public ownership in Dundee, including over 800 from the University's collections.


Detailed Description

Lavishly illustrated in full colour, this 320 page hardback book includes details and images of every oil painting in public ownership in Dundee, including over 800 from the University of Dundee's collections (including the Duncan of Jordanstone College Collection) as well as paintings in the city council's collections, NHS Tayside, the Maggie's Centre, the University of Abertay and Dundee Heritage Trust. Published by the Public Catalogue Foundation, the book also features essays about each collection and numerous full-page illustrations. More than 60% of the proceeds of each purchase made via this site go towards the care and development of the University's art collections.

Delivery within the UK will be charged at £2.50. For overseas orders please contact [email protected] for a quote for delivery.

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