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DL - Spanish - Intensive Distance Learning - Full payment


Course Information


25-week Intensive Spanish Distance Learning Course, commencing the week beginning Monday, 6th January 2025

Course fee: £790

Course Code

IS10001 2025

Course Leader

Susana Carvajal
Course Description

Welcome to our Intensive Spanish Distance Learning Course!

This 25-week course is intended for those wishing to jump-start their journey of learning Spanish via distance learning.


What will you learn?

You will learn how to communicate in spoken Spanish in a range of everyday situations in such a way that basic daily requirements can be met. You will learn to understand some specific details of simple everyday aural and written messages, as well as recognise and use the basic features of the grammatical system. Using a small range of 'repair strategies' will help you to overcome communication breakdowns in a range of basic everyday situations.

By the end of this module, you will be able to describe and understand some differences and show basic cultural awareness between the Spanish language and culture, and your own.


What are some examples of the topics?

The topics of this module may include personal information; daily routine; food and drink; travel and transport; accommodation abroad; likes and dislikes; leisure activities; home and family; shopping; jobs; health; geography and weather; education, etc. Please note, that these topics are not entirely preset and vary depending on the students’ and tutor’s needs and preferences.


What is the language level of this module? 

In this Intensive Spanish Distance Learning Course, you will cover all areas at Level A1 and A2 and some selected skills at Level B1 as described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). You will start with the basics and work your way up to the equivalent of SQA Higher and beyond.

Furthermore, this module is matched against the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) and is ranked at SCQF Level 7. This is equivalent to the student effort required for attending the first year at university.


Who can enrol in this module? Is this course suitable for me?

If you are interested in kickstarting your language learning journey in a supportive online group setting, or if you have had only brief encounters with the language and want to start afresh, then this course is right for you. You do not need to have any pre-existing knowledge of Spanish, however, a general understanding of language systems is recommended and will be highly beneficial. To succeed without any pre-existing linguistic knowledge requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to put in the necessary effort and time (approximately 7 hours per week) to study on your own.

For those wishing to continue studying the Spanish Graduate Diploma Distance Learning Course, this is the ideal preparation course.


How long is this course? 

This distance learning course is 25 weeks long, from January to July. The class meets weekly for one oral lesson. In addition to that, students are recommended to invest 7 hours of studying per week in their own time.

For those at an intermediate level, our 10-week-long Revision course starting at the end of April/beginning of May might be a better option. (Please get in touch if you are unsure which course is best for you, we are happy to help! For contact details, please see below.)


Is this course delivered online?

Yes, the classes or oral lessons take place exclusively online, via online video calls. Students are expected to regularly check our virtual learning environment (My Dundee), which we use to make announcements and communicate with the students, and where we provide all of the learning materials and resources, such as the weekly study plans. Because of this, this course is only suitable for students with reliable internet access.


What will the oral lessons be like? 

The oral lessons strongly focus on small group discussions and partner work, providing ample opportunity to practise what you learn whilst working through the weekly study plans and revising what you have learned in previous weeks. We work with authentic resources whenever possible, such as listening to conversations between native speakers or responding to live social media posts. Basic features of grammar will be discussed and practised to improve language skills and awareness and to quickly increase the range of topics you can talk about.


Is there homework to be done? 

Yes, you are provided with a range of revision and homework materials to consolidate your learning and extend your vocabulary. You receive feedback from your tutor on work handed in, so that you can work on your mistakes and improve your skills consistently.


Will there be a textbook? 

Yes, this course is based on a textbook. The textbook is currently under review and will be announced as soon as possible.


What about assessments? 

This course is assessed via continuous assessment over 25 weeks, which consists of three writing assessments, one listening assessment, and the final oral presentation.


Is this an accredited module with a certificate?

Yes, students who successfully pass the assessments are awarded the University of Dundee Modern Languages Certificate and earn 20 SCOTCAT credit points at SCQF Level 7.

Although not recommended, students may choose not to take part in assessments but are then only entitled to a Certificate of Attendance and 0 credit points, providing they have attended a minimum of 80% of the classes. There are no extra charges for the assessments or the certificates.


How do I sign up?

Simply click on ‘Book Course’ below and follow the instructions on the screen! We look forward to working with you!


Wait, I still have a question! 

No problem! We are a dedicated and passionate language department at the University of Dundee and like to get to know our learners well, paying close attention to individual needs. If there are any concerns, or if you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch! 


For general and administrative questions:

DL Administration Support – [email protected] 

DL Coordinator: Maren Dralle – [email protected] 


For language-specific questions about module content and curriculum:

French Tutor: Susana Carvajal – [email protected]   

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Spanish Intensive Distance Learning
06/01/202511/07/20250£790.00[Read More]

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